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Each game of the league is added Playmetrics for your reference once the schedule is released by the league association
Preparing for Game Day
1. Always check your player's team's schedule on the Friday before the games to make sure there are no changes - THERE IS ALWAYS A POSSIBILITY OF A CHANGE in time or location up until the Friday before.
2. For good measure, check the schedule one more time before leaving the day of the game, especially if the weather doesn't seem to be on our side. If the schedule has not changed, and you have not heard anything from us, the game is on!
3. Arrive 30 minutes before game time for activation/warm up (or as per coach instructions)
4. Communicate between each other! Use the platform to ask questions to the group if you are confused about game time or location - create a post so that other parents can help answer your questions if we are not available.
5. UNIFORMS: For all games, home or away, wear your striped jersey uniform, black Juventus shorts, black Adidas socks. Always bring your other uniform in a bag just in case. No other shorts or socks brands are allowed!!!
6. Lastly, we want you to cheer on your child, and show good sportsmanship to all teams and players. Avoid coaching from the sidelines as this will confuse your player. Our coaches will give the instructions and make sure the children are always safe and learning.
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